To flicker your community, you got people together and helped them start talking. STAY WITH IT! You also helped your early members to keep coming back. Congrats! But as your community starts growing beyond its early memberships, the real challenge will be to make sure you’re constantly attracting new folks and encouraging a shared sense of identity. It doesn’t happen so smoothly. Because new folks need to be genuinely excited about your shared purpose or they’ll never want to come to your community.
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The Rise and Rise of members!
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To flicker your community, you got people together and helped them start talking. STAY WITH IT! You also helped your early members to keep coming back. Congrats! But as your community starts growing beyond its early memberships, the real challenge will be to make sure you’re constantly attracting new folks and encouraging a shared sense of identity. It doesn’t happen so smoothly. Because new folks need to be genuinely excited about your shared purpose or they’ll never want to come to your community.