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Join us for the first community unfold webinar of 2022 as we discuss the “Rise of the Career Path” in the community space with Jenny Weigle a renowned community consultant, chief community officer and amazing Community Strategy Speaker.

We will speak about how the community career opportunities have changed since the pandemic, the amazing job roles that the online community space is open to and the results of these opportunities in creating a better community.

In this webinar, we will be addressing:

> The major changes in the community space post-pandemic.
> The expansion of the career path in the community space and the predictions in the future.

> From community managers to strategists, the changes we have observed in these job roles and their impact on the health of a community.

> The emergence of community growth specialists and their importance in the current community space.

>Emergence of new job roles to achieve specific goals within the community and its pros and cons.

Hope you can join us!

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